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steel structure
steel structure
steel structure
steel structure
steel structure
steel structure
steel structure
steel structure

Warehouse structure low cost steel structure poultry house commercial metal frame structure

السعر المرجعي فوب: الحصول على أحدث سعر

  • الوصف:

The components of the steel structure have small section, light weight, easy to transport and installation, suitable for large span, high height, heavy bearing structure.

  • Paymentsالدفعات (التمتع بالدفعات المشفرة والآمنة عرض التفاصيل)
  • Delivery Policyسياسة التسليم ( اتصل بالمورد للتفاوض على تفاصيل الشحن)
  • Return Policyنهج الإرجاع (مؤهل للمردودات والمبالغ عرض التفاصيل)


Model number





Warehouse, carport, hotel, house, kiosk, etc 


White, blue, green, red, colorful




Workshop, warehouse, factory , plant, etc

Lead time

Around 20 days

Packaging details

PVC film to protect the sandwich panel, uncovered package for the steel structure,accessroeis are carton or PVC film

The components of the steel structure have small section, light weight, easy to transport and installation, suitable for large span, high height, heavy bearing structure.

Suitable for withstand impact and dynamic load, with good seismic performance.The internal structure of steel is uniform with high reliability.

Factory mechanized production of steel structure components finished products of high precision, high production efficiency, site assembly speed, short construction period.

Steel structure is composed of steel material structure, is one of the main building structure types. The structure is mainly composed of steel beams, steel columns, steel trusses and other components made of section steel and steel plates, and adopts silanization, pure manganese phosphating, washing and drying, galvanized and other rust removal and rust prevention processes. The components or components are usually connected by welds, bolts or rivets. Because of its light weight, and simple construction, it is widely used in large factories, venues, super high-rise and other fields. Steel structure easy to rust, general steel structure to rust, galvanized or paint, and to regular maintenance.

Steel Structure definition

Steel is characterized by high strength, light dead weight, good overall stiffness and strong resistance to deformation, so it is particularly suitable for the construction of large-span and ultra-high, ultra-heavy buildings; The material has good homogeneity and isotropy, belonging to the ideal elastic body, which best conforms to the basic assumptions of general engineering mechanics. The material has good plasticity, toughness, large deformation, and can bear the dynamic load well; Short construction period; Its high degree of industrialization, can carry out a high degree of mechanization of specialized production.

High strength steel should be studied in steel structure to greatly improve its yield point strength. In addition to rolling new types of section steel, such as H section steel (also known as wide flange steel) and T steel and molded steel plate to meet the needs of long span structure and super high-rise buildings.

In addition, there is no heat bridge light steel structure system, the building itself is not energy saving, this technology solves the cold and hot bridge problem of the building with clever special connector; The small truss structure makes the cable and the water pipe pass through the wall, and the construction and decoration are convenient.


1. high material strength, light weight

Steel has higher strength and higher elastic modulus. Compared with concrete and wood, its density and yield strength ratio is relatively low, so under the same stress conditions of steel structure members small section, light weight, easy to transport and installation, suitable for large span, high height, heavy bearing structure.

2. steel toughness, good plasticity, uniform material, high structural reliability

Suitable for bearing impact and dynamic load, with good seismic performance. The internal structure of steel is uniform, close to isotropic uniform. The actual performance of steel structure accords with the calculation theory. So the steel structure has high reliability.

3. steel structure manufacturing and installation of high degree of mechanization

The steel structure members are easy to assemble in factory and site. The factory mechanized manufacturing of finished steel structure components has high precision, high production efficiency, fast assembling speed and short construction period. Steel structure is one of the most industrialized structures.

4. Good sealing performance of steel structure

Because the welded structure can be completely sealed, it can be made into high pressure vessels with good air tightness and water tightness, large oil pools, pressure pipelines and so on.

5. steel structure heat resistance and no fire resistance

When the temperature is below 150℃, the steel properties change very little. Therefore, steel structure is suitable for hot workshop, but the surface of the structure by about 150℃ thermal radiation, to be protected by heat insulation plate. The temperature is between 300℃ and 400℃. The strength and elastic modulus of steel decreased significantly, and the strength of steel tended to zero when the temperature was about 600℃. In buildings with special fire protection requirements, steel structures must be protected by refractory materials to improve fire resistance grade.

6. steel structure corrosion resistance is poor

Especially in the environment of wet and corrosive media, easy to rust. General steel structure to rust, galvanized or paint, and to regular maintenance. Special measures such as "zinc block anode protection" should be adopted to prevent corrosion of offshore platform structures in seawater.

7.low carbon, energy saving, green environmental protection, reusable

Demolition of steel structures produces little construction waste, and steel can be recycled.


وتتعامل الشركة أساسا في أنابيب الفولاذ غير القابل للصدأ المغلفة بالألوان والمجلفنة ولفائف الفولاذ غير القابل للصدأ وألواح الفولاذ غير القابل للصدأ من مختلف المواد ؛ مجموعة من القضبان الفولاذية الملفوفة على الساخن، وألواح متوسطة وثقيلة، ولفائف، وعوارض على شكل حرف، وفولاذ بزاوية، وفولاذ بالقنوات، وعوارض على شكل حرف H، وغيرها من منتجات الصلب، وخدمات المعالجة العميقة. (المخزون السنوي للشركة أكثر من 50،000 طن). تلتزم الشركة بمفهوم "النزاهة أولا، موجهة نحو الخدمات"، معتمدة على القوة القوية لمجموعات الصلب المحلية الرئيسية، وممارسة قدرات الشركة القوية على تكامل الموارد، وخدمة وتلبية احتياجات العملاء سواء في الصين أو في الخارج. بالإضافة إلى ذلك، تمتلك شركة تشيشانغ للصلب أيضا نظام توزيع لوجستي قوي ومهني، يمكن أن يوفر للعملاء خدمات لوجستية فعالة وسريعة ومرنة في أي وقت. تغطي أعمالنا جنوب شرق آسيا والشرق الأوسط وأفريقيا وأستراليا وأوروبا والولايات المتحدة وبلدان أخرى. تطلعا إلى المستقبل، من أجل الحفاظ على تعاون معمق ومستقر مع العملاء في الداخل والخارج، سيعمل جميع موظفي شركة تشيشانغ للصلب بجد لتقديم منتجات وخدمات أفضل لخلق المزيد من القيمة المضافة للعملاء.

zhishang steel

zhishang steel

شهادة تشيشانغ

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